Getting Ready for the Season is an original oil painting on canvas by renowned artist Fritz Kubitz. This is a typical coastal scene in Maine. The painting itself is 18" x 24" and the price includes a classic gold wood frame.
$ 73.89
$ 56.84
Getting Ready for the Season is an original oil painting on canvas by renowned artist Fritz Kubitz. This is a typical coastal scene in Maine. The painting itself is 18" x 24" and the price includes a classic gold wood frame.
$ 75.80
$ 58.31
$ 84.00
$ 58.00
$ 55.06
$ 42.35
$ 67.78
$ 52.14
$ 17.00
$ 52.25
$ 40.19
$ 63.15
$ 48.58
$ 19.36
$ 65.35
$ 50.27
$ 64.74
$ 49.80